Saturday, August 31, 2013


This is an assignment I did in third year in life drawing class, one of the models dressed up as a geisha and from that drawing I made it into a character :)

Action Analysis Character

Final colour and character design for my Action Analysis.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

4th year Film

Luna is one of my main characters for my forth year film, I may change her name. Here is also a colour script for my 4th year film, it is a close idea to how I want my film to look and hopefully can aim for.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cheetah Character "Elroy"

This is "Elroy" A character I designed in Second year :) I did 3 character posses of Elroy and one lip sync animation :D

Group Film "Mort"

This is one of the character concepts I designed for our main character called "Mort" which I designed for my group.

Action Analysis Layout

Action Analysis Layout, was designed for my 6 seconds jump and grab animation.


Prop designs for my group film, trying to figure out a type of style to approach for the film.

Group Film

Some background paintings I did for my group film in third year, it was a very simplistic graphic kinda style my group members wanted to approach.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Action Analysis Character Development

Some character sketches I was developing for my action analysis this is one of the major projects we had to complete during third year :)

Life Drawing

Creating some cool characters :)


 Did this in Third year, we had to make the character smash the object hehe its so cute :)

Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt

Eighteenth Dynasty Egypt Character lineup I had to design in storyboard class during second year :)

Girl with a little curl

Girl with a little curl, was one of the storyboard topics we had to chose in Second year in storyboard class. I did a Character lineup for it, and experimented with a different look and character style that I'm usually use to.

Character Lineup & Poses

Character Lineup & Poses, I did this in Second year. We were assigned do create two opposite characters which are suppose to interact with each other. I decided to do a Queen and her servant.